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Flushing Meadow House

Premium Web App Development with Custom design, full responsiveness, high security, and complete SEO integration for optimal performance.

Industry : Real Estate & Hospitality 

Services Offered : Web development, SEO Optimization, CRM Integration, Custom PHP Development 

Project Overview

Flushing Meadow House, located in the prime neighborhood of Galindo, Austin, required a digital presence that matched its luxurious yet homely appeal. The aim was to create a fully responsive, SEO-optimized website that would effectively showcase the property’s unique selling points, such as its close proximity to downtown Austin, vibrant cultural scene, and access to nature. The website needed to cater to a diverse audience, including locals, international travelers, and potential relocators. 

The Challenge

Overcoming challenges isn’t just about finding quick fixes. It’s about learning and growing through the process. Each obstacle is an opportunity to refine our methods, improve our skills, and enhance our services. This commitment to continuous improvement is what sets us apart and allows us to deliver exceptional results, no matter the difficulties we face.

Real-Time Availability Integration:

Implementing a real-time availability checker that syncs seamlessly with the booking platform to prevent overbooking. 

Balancing Visuals and Performance

Optimizing high-resolution images for fast loading times without compromising quality, especially on mobile devices.

SEO in a Competitive Market:

Achieving strong search engine rankings in the highly competitive Austin real estate market. 

User-Friendly Design

Creating an intuitive interface for a diverse audience, from local visitors to international travelers.

The Solution

Zimozi Solutions approached the Flushing Meadow House project with a focus on innovation and precision. Here’s how we tackled the challenges

We implemented WordPress as the content management system to allow for easy updates and management of content. This ensured that the website could be maintained efficiently, with minimal technical expertise required from the client. 

To streamline guest engagement and manage inquiries effectively, we integrated ActiveCampaign CRM. This enabled automated email campaigns, customer segmentation, and enhanced relationship management.

We utilized the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin to add custom fields tailored specifically to the property’s needs. This allowed for greater flexibility in content management, including detailed property descriptions, photo galleries, and location-specific activities.

Custom PHP was employed to build unique features that catered to the client’s specific requirements, such as a real-time availability checker and an intuitive contact form. This ensured that the website was both user-friendly and feature-rich. 

To provide the client with actionable insights into website performance and user behavior, we integrated Google Analytics. This enabled detailed tracking and reporting, allowing the client to optimize their digital marketing strategies.

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Key Features

The website includes custom-built contact and inquiry forms, allowing users to easily reach out with questions or booking requests. These forms are designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, improving the overall user experience. 

A visually appealing photo gallery that showcases the property’s interior and exterior, giving visitors a comprehensive view of the house and its surroundings. High-resolution images highlight the unique features and ambiance of Flushing Meadow House. 

An integrated availability checker that allows users to view real-time room availability. This tool simplifies the booking process, enabling potential guests to quickly see open dates and make reservations directly through the website. 

Comprehensive Contact & Inquiry Forms

The website includes custom-built contact and inquiry forms, allowing users to easily reach out with questions or booking requests. These forms are designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, improving the overall user experience. 

Dynamic Photo Gallery

A visually appealing photo gallery that showcases the property’s interior and exterior, giving visitors a comprehensive view of the house and its surroundings. High-resolution images highlight the unique features and ambiance of Flushing Meadow House. 

Custom Availability Checker

An integrated availability checker that allows users to view real-time room availability. This tool simplifies the booking process, enabling potential guests to quickly see open dates and make reservations directly through the website. 


The website for Flushing Meadow House has significantly elevated the property’s digital presence. With an intuitive user interface, mobile optimization, and powerful CRM integration, the client has seen an increase in inquiries and bookings. The seamless experience provided by the website reflects the quality and luxury that Flushing Meadow House offers, making it a top choice for visitors to Austin.

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